Catholic Life and Extra Curricular

The Chaplaincy at St Claudine’s continues to support students in Years 12 and 13. Together we build on our openness with God and hope to grow in friendship with one another. The Chaplain is available to students to provide a listening ear during challenging times. We believe in looking after the whole person and support is offered, as life can sometimes be tough.  Masses, retreats and trips are open to all Sixth Form students, allowing them to strengthen their relationships with friends in environments that promote reflection and calm. These opportunities also allow students to temporarily step out of the pressure and stresses of life and focus on their mental health and well-being, allowing them to regain the energy needed to be their best selves and achieve success.  The Student Leadership Team and Faith Leaders help prepare the liturgies and Masses, take a lead in the organisation of different charity events and volunteer their services to support our community. All of this allows them to share their talents and skills in service of others. Throughout the year, we help those who have needs, whether here in our local area or abroad in our charitable endeavours. We put our faith into action, undertaking St Claudine’s value of service; we serve others. The students in Year 12 can also apply to join us on the Westminster Diocese pilgrimage to Lourdes. 

Young people are leaving school to enter an increasingly competitive world of further education, training and work. We provide opportunities outside the classroom to enable our students to develop personal, creative and life skills.  For instance, we offer the Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award scheme, which is rare to find in state schools, and which is often considered to boost university applications. Sixth Formers are given the opportunity to tutor younger students who may be struggling with core subjects that they must pass at GCSE level. Tutoring is both an excellent experience to put on your UCAS form, and is also something that you can include on job applications in the future.  Similarly, there is the option to support students with their reading.  The curriculum experience is further enriched through trips to universities, theatres, lectures and retreats that allow students time to reflect on the values, passions and aspirations that drive them.  Throughout Years 12 and 13 students are encouraged to visit academic conferences and seminars, UCAS exhibitions and careers fairs, where representatives from different vocational fields and universities give tailored advice on how we can best achieve our individual long term and short-term goals. Additionally, guest speakers are invited to the school to share their experiences and insights, to inspire and enlighten our students on professional opportunities, social affairs, literature and politics.