Year 7 trip to St Albans

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8th Jun 2022

Year 7 had a very interesting trip to St Albans on Wednesday 8th June. We went to the Cathedral, where the guides took us on a tour and explained some of the unique features of the building and the role it has played in the life of the community since the first church was built on the site of St Alban’s martyrdom in Roman Britain. We saw the giant figures used in the annual Alban pilgrimage and we spent some time at the shrine of St Alban who was England’s first martyr.

After lunch on the lawn outside the Cathedral we had a lovely stroll through Verulamium park to the Roman museum, where we saw the mosaics and other Roman relics that have been discovered in the area.

Thanks to the RE team led by Mrs Kelly for such a fun trip!

  • Shanayah 7F: This was very entertaining and the staff were very kind. The trip will become a very nice memory of being part of St Claudine’s.
  • Heba 7C: I loved the museum because it was historic and lovely.
  • Miss Bitodi: A wonderful experience ! It was fun and  interesting learning about the history of St Alban’s.
  • Annabelli 7K: I enjoyed exploring and learning new things in the museum.
  • Aathana 7S: I enjoyed learning about the life of St Alban’s and the extra hike to the museum
  • Akshaya 7K: One thing I enjoyed at St Alban’s was the scenery and peacefulness, as well as learning about St Alban’s history
  • Ms Malsher: The students engaged with all the experiences and were praised for their behaviour at the Museum and Cathedral. We felt very proud of them.